Tuesday, May 27, 2008

They're Biting....Not Fish Either!

They were biting last night. Not fish either! I had to sleep outside last night. I slept at a bus stop. The funny thing is, I had to walk a country mile to find one, because many of them were already "occupied". Yea.....the Inn was full!

I finally found one, in an area that i thought was relatively safe. I pulled my hat down (to keep warm, and "hide" my face) and then put my sunglasses on. Yea....I hear a song coming on....."I wear my sunglasses at night"!

They were biting last night....and no, not the fish either. The mosquito's were out in full effect. And boy were they hungry! They ate me alive! I need to get my bottle of alcohol and go from head to toe. I don't know how some of the guy's do it....they lay on the ground, totally oblivious to the mosquito's, bugs that crawl on them, and the.....RAT'S! I guess for some, a mixture of crack and or alcohol will cancel the sense of "feel and touch" out sometimes. I've never been bitten by a rat before.........not on my to do list!

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